pooja room

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Shankupooja.
  • Navrathri
  • Hrudhaya Kamalam
  • Aishwarya
  • Welcome Om
  • Ganesha rangoli
Rangoli: Shankupooja.
Created by rajamma_2 on 2009-07-27,

Before keeping the Shanku in pooja, we did small pooja few days back..since So many Shankas decorate most of our kolam and recent mOhanaji's padikolam with shaded shanku, i thought I'll upload this. It is a Valampuri Shanku.

Rangoli: Navrathri
Created by Sumathi.v on 2008-12-23,

This is a pic of our pooja room decorated for Navaratri. The decoration credit goes to my mother.She is 70 years and has personally stitched the garlands for all pictures with cloth and decorated with sequins and bangles.You can also see the Kuthuvillaku decorated and kept on either side.

Rangoli: Hrudhaya Kamalam
Created by rajamma_2 on 2008-12-10,

Our dear friend Visalakshi, had sent a beautiful Hrudhaya kamalam kolam. An improved version of this kolam can be put with more dots. From the center dot, put 5 dots in a straight line on the 8 sides. Then, start connecting the dots from 1 line to the next line with a curved line in the order of 1,3,5,2,4,1.
This Hrudhaya kamalam is a sacred one called LAXKSMINIVAS, hence should be put in pooja room only and nobody should step on it.

With 4 dots on each side, we can draw different design by connecting 1,2,3,4 or 1,3,2,4.

Rangoli: Aishwarya
Created by ambikaranganathan on 2008-09-09,
This rangoli was published on 2008-09-09.
Rangoli: Welcome Om
Created by akamalika on 2008-01-11,

Kamalika had made this exquisite Om flower rangoli for an office function.

Rangoli: Ganesha rangoli
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,
This rangoli was published on 2004-01-13.