
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Magic Mushrooms
  • Mushroom
Rangoli: Magic Mushrooms
Created by SuriK on 2010-06-14,

Here comes Surya's magic mushrooms! We've admired these red spotted mushrooms in story books, but never bothered to find out more about them, until now. The botanical name is Amanita muscaria and the common name is fly agaric or fly Amanita. It is a poisonous kind of fungu, well known for its hallucinogenic properties. It is found in abundance in the cental and northern Europe. According to the legend, the vikings ate these mushrooms to induce their rage.

Rangoli: Mushroom
Created by mvrajitha on 2010-06-14,

One more plant for our veggie garden. I like mushroom to eat and anyone know the recipe, share with me