
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Pink Calla lilies
  • Lily flowers
  • Callalilies
  • Carnations & lilies
Created by Hemma Rajendran. on 2019-02-23,
This is a freehand rangoli.
Rangoli: Lily flowers
Created by indirasundhar on 2009-01-26,

Lilly flowers with different colors with many leaves
How is it?

Rangoli: Callalilies
Created by bharathibhaskar on 2008-04-13,
This rangoli was published on 2008-04-13.
Rangoli: Carnations & lilies
Created by preethirajaganesh on 2007-01-12,
This rangoli was published on 2007-01-12.