May Pongal fill Your Hearts with Sweetness & May the Sun radiate Peace, Happiness & Prosperity in Your Life always!
Happy Pongal & Makar Sankranti Special Wishes to You & Yours!
Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Pongal Wishes by Purni
Kolam with pongal panai
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Pongal Wishes
- Pongal kolam
Created by Purni on 2015-01-14,
Created by alameluranganath on 2014-01-12,
I wish all my ikolam friends a very very happy Pongal.
Pongaloooooo Pongallllll
Pongum Mangalam Engum Thanguka
The Happy pongal is written by my daughter Lakshmi.
Hope you all will like this kolam
Happy Pongal Lata