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Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Independence Day - India rangoli
- An African Elephant and Indian Elaphant greeting
- Concept Rangoli-Is India shining? - pic 2
- Scenic village
Created by Sandeep on 2020-11-16,
This depicts an African Elephant (brown) & an Indian Elephant greeting in an indian royal garden viewed through a gate
Created by p_malathi on 2011-02-01,
This is the pic 2 of my 'Concept Rangoli-Is India shining?'. This shows the close-up of Bharatha matha crying.
Created by Sumathi.v on 2009-07-13,
This is a picture of our village near Vellore which is 10 km off the main road.The small amman temple at the background of our paddy fields looks very scenic.Recently I had been there and was then pictured.The quiteness of the village and the natural green colour around you makes you feel so refreshing