ikolam birthday

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Happy Birthday iKOLAM
  • Happy Birthday Ikolam
  • Happy 12th birthday Ikolam!
Rangoli: Happy Birthday iKOLAM
Created by RaghaRadha on 2016-10-12,

Rangoli 1-11-1 straight line dots.: Happy Birthday iKOLAM by RaghaRadha

Rangoli: Happy Birthday Ikolam
Created by vijaysowmya on 2015-10-12,

Rangoli free hand design: Happy Birthday Ikolam by vijaysowmya

Rangoli: Happy 12th birthday Ikolam!
Created by admin on 2015-10-12,

Dear iKolam,

Wish you a happy 12th b'day!

May God bless you with many more creative and colorful years ahead!

Thanks to all of our friends for sharing their wonderful works of art through all the years, and beyond! Smile


Rangoli b'day: Happy 12th birthday Ikolam! by admin

Created by lakshmiraghu on 2014-10-13,

Hi friends this is a free hand kolam drawn in front of my house... I would like to dedicate this kolam on account of ikolam's birthday Smile Smile