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  • Huck Embroidary
Rangoli: Huck Embroidary
Created by viji_j86 on 2011-03-13,

Huck Embroidary is also known asSwedish weaving .It was used in the 1940s to decorate the borders of Huck towels with embroidery floss. Today it is used for afghans, placemats, table runners, pillows, and more. Swedish weaving can be done on a variety of even-weave fabrics including huck toweling, monk’s cloth, and Aida cloth. Swedish weaving is unique in that you only work on the front side of the fabric and the stitching does not show on the back. Traditional Swedish weaving designs are usually mirror images.
When I am littleschool going girl, my elder sister(Radikas grandmother) make a lot of designs in this cloth and make shoulderbag to carry books to school. She is legend in this embroidary and make a lot of designs like butterfly, fish star and a lot.
Now i tried it out with Siddhus Towel.