holi 2011

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • free hand rangoli
  • holi ke rang
  • Holi kolam
  • Holi kolam
  • holi kolam2
  • holi kolam
  • HOli Rangoli - Dublin 2011
  • Holi Rangoli - Dublin 2011
  • Holi Rangoli - Dublin 2011
  • Holi Hai!
Rangoli: free hand rangoli
Created by saisrithamarai on 2011-09-07,

My new year rangoli to start with the blessings of lord ganesha

Rangoli: holi ke rang
Created by aditya on 2011-03-25,

Holi means a splash of colours. I made this canvas painting with kaleidoscopic colours for this holi. Hope you like it.

Rangoli: Holi kolam
Created by vasanthi on 2011-03-23,

This is the kolam which I drew for Holi, I allowed my son to play and enjoy on the rangoli. He jumped like anything on the rangoli & enjoyed. HAPPY HOLI FOR ALL IKOLAM MEMBERS

Rangoli: Holi kolam
Created by vasanthi on 2011-03-23,

This is the kolam which I drew for Holi, How is it?

Rangoli: holi kolam2
Created by subashini on 2011-03-23,

one more holi dotted kolam from me without spoiling the kolam.

Rangoli: holi kolam
Created by sreegiri on 2011-03-23,

This is the kolam for holi. It is a PC kolam.

Rangoli: HOli Rangoli - Dublin 2011
Created by meenaranjani on 2011-03-20,


Here i am presenting the Krishna with Flute (centre piece) in ceramic plate for Underwater raas leela rangoli ,Festival of Colors in South Dublin, 2011.


Rangoli: Holi Rangoli - Dublin 2011
Created by meenaranjani on 2011-03-20,


Here i am presenting the KrishnaGopi in ceramic plate for Underwater raas leela rangoli ,Festival of Colors in South Dublin, 2011.


Rangoli: Holi Rangoli - Dublin 2011
Created by meenaranjani on 2011-03-20,


Ireland celebrated Holi as Festival of Colors in South Dublin, 2011. I thought of displaying Maha raas leela mandala theme in under water rangoli but with a difference. Smile

I painted ceramic plates with Krishna and Gopi dancing figures and prepared them to be waterproof for the theme i opted for and finally filled the plates with water and decorated with flowers and candles. I definitely shd thank my friends Raji and Sivaneswary for helping me in arranging the layout.

Here i am presenting the Underwater raas leela rangoli to all my ikolam friends Smile


Rangoli: Holi Hai!
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-03-20,

Sorry as i was extremely busy with my project work i could not play holi yeaterday but no problem let us play today.Holi hai !
