
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Hexagonal Rangoli
  • Thanksgiving kolam
  • Triangular arrangement of rhombuses in hexagonal patterns
  • Hexagon Kolam
  • hexagonal paDikOlam - 2
  • hexagonal paDikOlam
  • Hexagonal "yantras"
  • Stars and hexagons
  • Diwali
  • Hexagonal rangoli
Created by sangeetha.saunder on 2019-01-17,

Hexagonal rangoli design on 12x8 interlaced dots pattern.

Rangoli: Thanksgiving kolam
Created by ammuchandhini on 2013-02-19,

Thank you each and everybody for your amazing wishes...you helped make it a very special day :love: :bigsmile:

Rangoli: Triangular arrangement of rhombuses in hexagonal patterns
Created by jkmrao on 2011-10-06,

Earlier, I gave patterns of squares in a right angled triangle arranged as squares. Today I am giving hexagonal patterns of rhombuses (two back-to-back equilateral triangles) in equilateral triangles. The figure on the right gives the pattern with three rhombuses at the base. The figure on the left gives the pattern with five such rhombuses. The basic motifs are also shown separately. Enjoy! Regards - mOhana

Rangoli: Hexagon Kolam
Created by Radha Vasudevan on 2010-07-25,

Again a star-hexagon kolam...
it looks complicated but its very easy to put...

Rangoli: hexagonal paDikOlam - 2
Created by jkmrao on 2009-08-09,

This is another paDikOlam in the hexagonal shape.
Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: hexagonal paDikOlam
Created by jkmrao on 2009-08-08,

The paDikOlams I viewed here and elsewhere are all square only. Why not create one with hexagonal (six-fold) symmetry was the thought that occured to me. Here is the result.

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Hexagonal "yantras"
Created by jkmrao on 2009-04-28,

When I read the comment of gauriji and looked at latAji's drawing
it occurred to me that I must study the building of this carefully and the result is
this rangOli. I have given six drawings here. They have one, two, three, four
(at the top), five and six dots (bottom pictures) at the edges. The number of
independent lines is equal to the number of dots for even number of dots and equal to
the number of dots plus one for odd number of dots. Two colours for the first two,
four for the second two and six for the bottom pictures. I used different colours
to distinguish these. You may also note that three rows at 120 degrees have
missing lines in the centre. Now you know how to draw these for any number of
dots. You can put any magic charm in the centre and earn puNya and wealth Smile
None for this pApi Wink

(The purple and blue don't show that well in the bottom picture. The purple is
thinner than the blue and connect the top dots.)

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Stars and hexagons
Created by sudhasankar on 2008-10-08,
This rangoli was published on 2008-10-08.
Rangoli: Diwali
Created by Sumathi.v on 2007-11-15,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-15.
Hexagonal rangoli
Created by Lata on 2006-12-21,
This rangoli was published on 2006-12-21.