Ther drawn on a paper and then stuck with Kundan & stones.Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Ther Rangoli by bagema
- Ther Rangoli
- Small Padi Kolam with Glitter
- Freehand Rangoli Experiment with Glitter
- Glitter rangoli
- Bumble Bee Kolam
- Peacock
- Swasthik
- Sponge Rangoli
- ohp rangoli
- Craft work
Small padi kolam with some detail filled in glitter.Rangoli glitter: Small Padi Kolam with Glitter by sangeetha.saunder
Colour rangoli powder and glitter used to fill.Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Freehand Rangoli Experiment with Glitter by sangeetha.saunder
A tribute to our national bird
Used normal Rangoli colors with silver,gold and green color glitters to give that rich look.
A simple flower vase design made with the help of a stencil using normal black color Rangoli powder and for highlighting the flower vase i had used the golden glitters to give that extra pop out look.Hope i have succeeded to an extent.It took around 8-10 minutes to complete it.
1.Select any Rangoli design.
2.Cut the Sponges in required design.
3.Paste it on accodingly.
hai here i uploading ohp sheet rangoli after completing full rangoli.
Bird - made of cotton coloured with yellow...
Leaf Nerves- made of thread...
Pollen grains and stem - made of chamkkis...
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