Andal garland and thulasi in the middle drawn by me as aadipooram kolam
- Andal maalai
- freehand rangoli
- Garland rangoli
- Pattathu Yaanai
- Maha shivaratri rangoli
- Non floral garlands
- Jasmine Collage
- Jasmine Flower from our yard
- Rangoli garland
- Rangoli garland
A simple but grand look Andal garland rangoli apt for marghazhi month.
Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Garland rangoli by Kavitha Lakshmi
I am Veni Deivanai, who recently visited this ikolam site and got impressed.As my first entry, I am herewith enclosing a Chikku kolam for the " Margazhi kolam contest".
In olden days, when the Maharaja dies without leaving his heir for the throne,the Pattaththu yaanai, i.e the main Elephant of the Raajmahal will be sent with a garland around the city, to select the next person for the throne.Towhomesoever the Elephant put the garland will be declared as the next Raja.
Here, I have put a chikku kolam in the form of Pattathu yaanai with the real garland in his hand on its way to select the RAJA. Hope you all will enjoy this.
Hi friends this is a free hand design drawn for Maha Shivarathri. .....happy shivarathri
to all...your views please..
sloka ...
dhyEya: paMchamukhO rudra: sphaTikaamala kaaMtimaan |
vidyuchchabhraasitaraja: shyaamaanyasya muKaani tu |
jaTaavabaddhEMdukala: priyaayuk naagabhUShaNa: |
Hai to all last sunday here we(me and my Mom) made 2 garlands(without using original flowers) for our temple of Goddess Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Amman. first one is with net cloth material and second one is with cotton . Hope you all like this ..
Hi! friends I am uploading one more collage picture of our yard jasmine flowers. Hope you all enjoy the fragrance of this jasmine flowers.
This jasmine garland made by me from our yard flowers. Hope you all like it. I am enjoying these flowers here in Texas. I love to prepare garland anytime. Still lot pictures are there, But I cannot upload all because of the picture size.
This is also a garland made out of rangoli.
This is a free style rangoli.
This is the garland made out of rangoli.
It is a free style kolam.