Fusion Kolam

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Sikkukolam
  • Today's Kolam
  • margazhi kolam7
  • Margazhi Day-6
  • Photoshop Rangoli
Rangoli: Sikkukolam
Created by ananthiraju on 2014-05-10,

One more sikkukolam I tried at my doorstep.

Rangoli: Today's Kolam
Created by aarchi on 2012-05-06,

My today's kolam. Courtesy Mangaiyar Malar

Rangoli: margazhi kolam7
Created by subashini on 2011-12-25,

A very simple dotted kolam was drawn 4 sides then decorated with dots and freehand design.

Rangoli: Margazhi Day-6
Created by ammuchandhini on 2011-12-21,

Hai to all...this is my fusion kolam done on d 6th day of margazhi....hope u like it...eagerly waiting for ur views...

Rangoli: Photoshop Rangoli
Created by dibbutn on 2011-12-16,

This is a photoshop rangoli with dot count 17 x 15, not very satisfied with the outcome, yet felt like sharing with you all :X