This is as usual my E.Kolam.
As usual plastic canvas. Made this design with woollen.
Just I want to share this with you all because the finishing looks like a kolam.
This is the one I placed in the centre of the Arathi thattu.
- E.Kolam
- E.Kolam
- Kolam designs in plastic canvas (E.Kolam)
- woollen kolam
- Wollen Rangoli
- Flower Rangoli(E.kolam).
- Rangoli in plastic canvas
- Plastic canvas kolam
- E.Kolam
- Flower basket
As it is my E.Kolam. This time in a plastic canvas with wool.
I bought one cover of square plastic canvases and it does contain 10 nos. of pieces.
I had done kolam design in each one and I uploaded two of them . Since I dont have photoshop in this pc I was not able to combine it.
But Now i am able to college it and here comes the 9 kolam design done by wollen thread in a plastic canvas. two of them I already uploaded.
Doesnt the college look like Judi had done the kolams?
This is also wollen kolam(E.kolam) done on plastic canvas.
I imagine this as padikolam and done like this.
Here is my Rangoli. Done on woollen thread. The base is plastic canvas.
As usual my E.kolam
On finishing this, i remind Rajamma mams kolam designs filling the colour with stroke method.
As usual this is also Rangoli-, flower-, E.kolam.
As usual my E.Kolam.
This time this is in a Plastic canvas by wool.
This is also one E.Kolam. But this time this is been done by plastic canvas and on wool thread.
Friends as usual this is my E kolam(Embroidary Kolam)
On seeing the design it does looks like our Padikolam. So I tried it out in a mati cloth by cross stitch.
How do you like it?
Dear Lata,
I am uploading this photo to add in our flower garden.
This is as usual my E.kolam (I mean the embroidary kolam) esclusively for our garden. Varieties of flowers in a basket. Kindly add in the garden. I dont know how to add with the garden. So uploading here.