
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • 2021- Pausha Putradhaa Ekaadhashi..
  • 2020- Jaya Ekadhashi
  • 2019- Aashaada Ekaadhashi
  • 2018- Aashada Ekadashi/ Bahuda Yatra (the idols of the Puri temple are brought back)...
  • 2018- Paapamochani Ekadashi-2
  • Vaikunta ekadshi
Created by JANANI RAGHAVAN on 2021-01-23,

I decorated my Krishna day before yesterday..... Hence thought of using matching colours for a feather rangoli.....

Created by JANANI RAGHAVAN on 2020-02-04,

2020- Jaya Ekadhashi....Ranganathar pic with Kolam, paper flowers, beads and rangoli stencil around it....

Created by JANANI RAGHAVAN on 2019-07-11,
This is a freehand rangoli.
Created by JANANI RAGHAVAN on 2018-03-13,

Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: 2018- Paapamochani Ekadashi-2 by JANANI RAGHAVAN

Created by ashajnan on 2017-01-07,

Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Vaikunta ekadshi by ashajnan