
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Ear ring
  • Ear ring
  • Earrings
  • Paper Earring
  • Paper Earring
Rangoli: Ear ring
Created by svvj on 2011-09-26,

This one made by my daughter in her craft class.

Rangoli: Ear ring
Created by svvj on 2011-09-26,

I made this using paper quiling method.I got this idea from our member.Thank you mam.

Rangoli: Earrings
Created by ankita seth on 2010-07-22,

these are the matching earings of the necklace i made with pearls and beads

Rangoli: Paper Earring
Created by sjnt on 2009-06-18,

This too is made with curled paper strips. Very light weight. One disadvantage is that you can't wear it in the rain.

Rangoli: Paper Earring
Created by sjnt on 2009-06-07,

This too is made with coiled paper strips. Very light and can be mix matched with the desired colour combinations.