Again the origami cucumbers...but since i used the plain green paper, they are also looking as different vegitable hmm is it chowchow (tonDekai - kannada)? Symmetry is missing for the center design. I made bell flowers in orangish-yellow paper normally cumcumber flowers are yellow...due to shading some turned out red (original origami designers - Katrin & Yuri Shumakov)....added some quilling touch to the creepers, leaves just modified the bird base to get 3pointed leaf.
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Cucumbers for the veggie garden
- The Veggie Patch - Cool Cucumber
- Cool Cucumbers!
Created by anirudh on 2010-06-23,
Created by judelined on 2010-06-14,
Now after I had sliced to cucumber to complete the chilli flower I got an idea of creating designs with the cucumber slices and this is what I finally arrived at. I played with the numbers from 1 to 10 in order and then 3 multiples of 5 (as the cucumber slices ran out of stock - hehe) and have arranged them in order for you to enjoy. Now I am actually happy with my participation in this corner as I managed to do something creative - looking forward to the comments and views of the experts
Created by judelined on 2009-02-27,
after seeing JKM Rao's red hot chillies i thought why not something cool for the summer... so here is a merry collection of juicy cucumbers... eat and enjoy