colourful flowers

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Maakolam
  • Pookolam welcoming Purataasi
Rangoli: Maakolam
Created by dibbutn on 2015-08-11,

This is a maakolam with colors with dot count 9 to 5 interlaced with 2 and 1 dots on all sides in the middle. Smile hope you all like it.Rangoli 9-5 interlaced dots.: Maakolam by dibbutn

Rangoli: Pookolam welcoming Purataasi
Created by thilakalakshmi on 2014-09-18,

Hi friends... here is a pookolam welcoming Purataasi month...! Smile so far I haven't tried a pookolam... Inspired by you all friends of ikolam I have tried this for the first time...! Feeling excited...!