chikku koam

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Pattathu Yaanai
Rangoli: Pattathu  Yaanai
Created by rajamma_2 on 2014-01-27,

I am Veni Deivanai, who recently visited this ikolam site and got impressed.As my first entry, I am herewith enclosing a Chikku kolam for the " Margazhi kolam contest".
In olden days, when the Maharaja dies without leaving his heir for the throne,the Pattaththu yaanai, i.e the main Elephant of the Raajmahal will be sent with a garland around the city, to select the next person for the throne.Towhomesoever the Elephant put the garland will be declared as the next Raja.
Here, I have put a chikku kolam in the form of Pattathu yaanai with the real garland in his hand on its way to select the RAJA. Hope you all will enjoy this. Smile