
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • chicks
  • Pair of chicks rangoli
  • chicks
  • Birds
  • Girl
Created by RaghaRadha on 2016-08-28,

Rangoli 1-9-1 straight line dots.: THE CHIKS IN THE CHIKKU by RaghaRadha

Rangoli: chicks
Created by Amirtha Thanam on 2015-12-23,

Rangoli a simple colour ragoli: chicks by Amirtha Thanam

Rangoli: Pair of chicks rangoli
Created by revathiilango on 2015-03-11,

Rangoli 1 to 17 dots: Double chicks. by revathiilango

Rangoli: chicks
Created by Amirtha Thanam on 2014-08-12,
This is a freehand rangoli.
Rangoli: Birds
Created by bama2k on 2013-10-17,

Dear Bama2k, please email admin to verify your email contact details. Thanks.

Rangoli: Girl
Created by Amirtha Thanam on 2013-03-28,

the time taken for this ragoli is 2 hours.