
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • A for aSOka
  • Ashoka Chakra Rangoli
  • The aSOka flowers are waving in the spring breeze!
Rangoli: A for aSOka
Created by jkmrao on 2010-06-18,

The red aSOka flower is a spring flower, celebrated in classical Indian literature. It seems the very beautiful women used to do the honours of the first sod when aSOka was planted. They were supposed to flower as prettily as those young women. Here is the ornamental letter A and the aSOka flower. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Ashoka Chakra Rangoli
Created by Lata on 2009-08-21,

Filing it away in Gallery.

Rangoli: The aSOka flowers are waving in the spring breeze!
Created by jkmrao on 2009-03-21,

In kAlidAsA's RtusaMhAram, you will find the following poem:

aa mUlatO vidrumarAgatAmraM
sapallavaM pushpachayaM dadhAnAH
kurvatyaSOkA hRdayaM saSOkaM
nirIkshyamANA navayauvanAnAm

From top to bottom
the trees are resplendant
with the copper red flower bunches
Alas, the joy-giving aSOkA blooms
are filling with sorrow
the hearts of the love-lorn young ones

The aSOka flower is also one of the five flower-arrows of manmatha.
These flowers are coral red. Of course, we all know that sItA spent her
time in the aSOkavana as a prisoner of rAvaNa. It is also called vanjula
in Sanskrit. In one of jayadEva's ashTapadis (haririha mugdha vadhUnikarE)
there is a mention of manjula vanjula!

Here are some patterns with an idealised aSOka flower.
The spring is around the corner, is it not?

Regards! - mOhana