11-6 interlaced dots flower kolam
Dotted Kolam (connected dots)
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- flowers kolam
- flowers kolam
- Lotus
- flowers kolam
- Margazhi kolam -27
- Margazhi kolam -25
- Margazhi Day 19
- Happy New Year !
- Vaikunda egadesi 2020
- White n white
Created by Kavitha Lakshmi on 2021-07-17,
11-6 interlaced dots flowers rangoli. DC: Swarna mam
Created by Kavitha Lakshmi on 2021-04-25,
11-6 interlaced dots lotus kolam.
Design courtesy: Swarna
Created by Kavitha Lakshmi on 2021-03-11,
11-6 interlaced dots flowers kolam.
DC: google
Created by vijaysowmya on 2021-01-14,
A dotted kolam with 11 to 11 straight dots.
Created by vijaysowmya on 2021-01-14,
A colour dotted kolam with 13 to 1 straight dots.
Created by Suguna Murugesan on 2020-12-31,
Happy and prosperous new year to you all!
Created by Hemma Rajendran. on 2020-12-25,
This is a dotted kolam (connected dots).