19-10 intermediate dots

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Margazhi day 28
  • Margazhi kolam day 18
  • Margazhi kolam day 21
Rangoli: Margazhi day 28
Created by HEMA MURALI on 2016-01-12,

Rangoli 19-10 intermediate dots: Margazhi day 28 by HEMA MURALI

Rangoli: Margazhi kolam day 18
Created by HEMA MURALI on 2016-01-02,

Rangoli 19-10 intermediate dots: Margazhi kolam day 18 by HEMA MURALI

Rangoli: Margazhi kolam day 21
Created by HEMA MURALI on 2014-01-06,

Life is not measured by the breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away.
Have enjoyed such wonderful moments by watching colourful and splendid kolams. Thank you Smile