interlaced dots

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • dew drops contest entry 2016-17
  • Deepavali rangoli
  • Chembaruthi Rangoli
  • Shangu kolam
  • Dotted
Rangoli: dew drops contest entry 2016-17
Created by Narayani.M on 2017-01-13,

Rangoli interlaced dots: dew drops contest entry 2016-17 by Narayani.M

Rangoli: Deepavali rangoli
Created by sharmilraj on 2016-11-06,

Made it for Deepavali 2016Rangoli 11-21-11: Deepavali rangoli by sharmilraj

Rangoli: Chembaruthi Rangoli
Created by thilakalakshmi on 2014-01-29,

This is a kambi kolam rangoli. This rangoli kolam is drawn with 19-10 interlaced dots. Filled with many colours.

Rangoli: Shangu kolam
Created by ananthiraju on 2013-08-30,

Interlaced dots 1 to 9 to 1.Then all the 4 sides 4 to 1.

Rangoli: Dotted
Created by Shibrudha on 2012-01-11,

Hope you all like this rangoli Smile