8 x 8

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Pongal Paanai
  • 8 x 8
  • Palm leaves rangoli
  • Geometric patterns in kolams - 1
Rangoli: Pongal Paanai
Created by dibbutn on 2013-01-25,

This is a simple pongal paanai kolam which I did on one of the pongal days. Dot count is 8 x 8.

8 x 8
Created by dots on 2006-12-21,
This rangoli was published on 2006-12-21.
Palm leaves rangoli
Created by Lata on 2006-12-21,
This is a dotted kolam (connected dots).
Geometric patterns in kolams - 1
Created by shalini on 2006-06-28,

This geometric kolam pattern was sent by Shalini.