
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Kolam
  • Border - flowers
  • Kolam - 2_4
  • 5 / 5 kolam with parallel dots
  • 5 / 5 - Dumbell kolam with parallel dots
Rangoli: Kolam
Created by Vidhya Rabindar on 2008-12-13,

One of the kolams that can be put outside my flat! 5 dots - 5 rows.

Rangoli: Border - flowers
Created by k.ANANTHALAKSHMI on 2008-09-26,
This rangoli was published on 2008-09-26.
Rangoli: Kolam - 2_4
Created by sandhyabalas on 2008-04-10,
This rangoli was published on 2008-04-10.
5 / 5 kolam with parallel dots
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

5/5 kolam with parallel dots

This kolam has 5 rows of 5 dots each.
Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.

5 / 5 - Dumbell kolam with parallel dots
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

5/5 kolam with parallel dots

This kolam has 5 rows of 5 dots each.
Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.
