
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Sikku kolam-77
  • Multi coloured margazhi lace (dotted)
  • rangoli
  • Sikku Kolam - 54
  • Sikku Kolam - 43
  • Drawing peacocks made simpler
  • Vinayaka Chavithi Muggu
  • Diwali kolam
  • Twinkling Diwali lights rangoli
Rangoli: Sikku kolam-77
Created by P.Veni on 2011-02-18,

Hello Friends,This was done by me during marhazhi.Hope you like it.Dots-19-3.

Rangoli: Multi coloured margazhi lace (dotted)
Created by lakshmiraghu on 2010-12-23,

Hi this is a dotted rangoli, due to rain have drawn this rangoli inside the house...dots
19x3...up to 3..straight dots.your views and suggestions pl..

Rangoli: rangoli
Created by Anisha Raghunath on 2010-12-21,

this is a rangoli done by me with the help of many colours during diwali 2009....!!!!!

Rangoli: Sikku Kolam - 54
Created by P.Veni on 2010-10-25,

Hello Friends,This kolam drawn in front of my house.Dots 19-3.Hope you like it....

Rangoli: Sikku Kolam - 43
Created by P.Veni on 2010-10-01,

Hello Friends,This easiest sikku kolam drawn on sunday.Dots - 19-3. Views please...
Rani...eppadi 3 dots kolam......

Rangoli: Drawing peacocks made simpler
Created by anirudh on 2009-03-03,

one more scanned...
mOhanaji, this is for you, start with this and then you will be expert in drawing peakcocks

Dots: 19 to 3
19 three lines and then step down by reducing 2 dots in every line until you are left with three, on both sides.

Rangoli: Vinayaka Chavithi Muggu
Created by sarada.vempati on 2008-09-05,

The dot count for this kolam is 19-3-3 straight dots.

Rangoli: Diwali kolam
Created by swethaiyer on 2007-11-22,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-22.
Twinkling Diwali lights rangoli
Created by Lata on 2005-10-23,

Deepavali / Diwali is celebrated by the hindus world-wide. The word "Deepa" means "light" and "avali" means "a row", which makes Deepavali the "festival of lights". Traditional Rangoli motifs adorn the front-yards and entryways of every house. People light earthen lamps called "diya" on this day, and thank the goddess for the wealth and happiness that she has bestowed upon them.

On this day, people visit friends and relatives and also exchange gifts and sweets. Diwali teaches us to drive away the ignorance, the darkness around us and to uphold the true values of life.

Here is a dotted rangoli; dot count is 19x3. In the following rangoli pattern, after the outlines are drawn, the rangoli is colored with bright color powder. One could also make use of flowers or colored rice for coloring.