Rangoli Dotted Kolam (connected dots): swans kolam,with 15-7 DOTS by sailusateesh123@gmail.com
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- swans kolam,with 15-7 DOTS
- Children with baloons kolam
- My Bogi Kolam
- sikku kolam29
- Margazhi kolam-30
- Sikku Kolam - 20
Created by revathiilango on 2015-04-02,
I done this kolam for Christmas. Now give this for Good Friday.Rangoli 15 to 7 interlaced dots.: Children with baloons kolam. by revathiilango
Created by Agilas on 2013-01-13,
Dear All, this one drawn for Bhogi festival.
Kind Regards
Created by BharathiKRaman on 2011-06-30,
This is the bigger version of the 7-7 dots. This is actually 15 dots 7 rows and extra dots on the sides. hope u enjoy both of them
Created by vijaysowmya on 2011-02-06,
This is my margazhi last day kolam. dot count 15-7....your views pls...
Created by P.Veni on 2010-08-07,
Hello All,This kolam drawn wednesday evening Dots - 15-7. Views please...