13 - 7 Interlaced

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Shanku kolam
  • Kolam
  • Podikolam Pookolam
Rangoli: Shanku kolam
Created by ananthiraju on 2014-01-11,

This is my today's kolam

Rangoli: Kolam
Created by viji252 on 2012-01-13,
This rangoli was published on 2012-01-13.
Rangoli: Podikolam Pookolam
Created by dibbutn on 2011-11-16,

This is a dotted podikolam with dot count 13 to 7 interlaced. Struggled to put it with the wind playing havoc which you would see traces of, ultimately it was a draw between the wind and me :bigsmile: