Reflections on the Earth Day
Don't you think the Earth is a beautiful rangOli?
with white snows and green forests
with blue seas and orange sunsets
with yellow lamps and indigo nights
and with flowers of all hues thrown around?
Its dots are the islands
and its lines are the rivers and mountains
Who drew this kaleidoscopic masterpiece?
Nature - God - just happened?
We know not!
what rich rangOlis are we going to bequeath
to our children and grand-children
and generations of their children and grand-children?
Rivers of filth and oceans of poison?
Nonexistent glaciers and dead coral reefs?
Vanished species and unending stretches of hot deserts?
Holes in the sky and drowned islands?
The dead are buried in the earth
If the Earth dies, where do we bury?
Is our life-giving Earth destined to become
one more lifeless wanderer in the vast universe?
vandE mAtaram!
J K Mohana Rao
Wed, 2009-04-22 10:52
Inspiring, and a lot to ponder over!
In our house, we have become much better at recycling the recyclables, and set a good example for the kids. Of course, the school does an excellent job of teaching the kids too, about what goes in the trash, and what goes in the recycling bins, and about what biodegradable means. I wish I had this much awareness while growing up in India.
I did my little part today. I couldn't plant a tree or anything along those lines, but, I took some comfort in letting a couple of small apple trees grow right next to the parent tree, although they may not look properly aligned with the garden structure - placement wise!
Teaching kids about how certain animals/birds become endangered due to pollution can help them take better care of our mother Earth. Really, this is all about practicing what we already know, and making sure our kids do too, to enjoy all the natural treasures in our planet.
Wed, 2009-04-22 22:00
hmmm..WE are to be blamed for the slow-poisoning of the earth!
Iam so sad that no sparrow is seen around now-a-days. When we were young sparrows used to enter the house freely and make nests above the fans and ventilators. We never disturb them till the eggs are hatched and the small ones fly away.
One of the reasons for their vanishing is that the vibrations in the atmosphere due to signals passing between the mobile towers!