Panguni uthiram kolams
Panguni Uthiram is a day of importance to Hindus especially those who belong to Tamilnadu. It falls on the day the moon transits in the asterism of Uttara-phalguni or Uthiram in the twelfth month of the Tamil solar calendar i.e. Panguni (March-April). It is also the full moon of the month of Panguni and is special because the Uthiram nakshatram coincides with the full moon.
This full moon signifies the marriage of Parvati and Parameswara (Lord Shiva), Murugan and Deyvaanai, and Aandaal and Rangamannar. On Panguni Uthiram, Murugan married Kamalavalli Naachiyar. Also Valmiki's Ramayana says it is on this day and star that Sita's marriage with Rama was celebrated. The day is intended to underline the glory of grahasta dharma (or the married life of a householder). The Almighty manifests in the marital state as Uma Maheswara, Sita Rama, and Radha Krishna. Devotees celebrate this day when the Lord, in both Shiva and Vishnu temples, appears to devotees in his married state.