July Fourth

Tomorrow is America's Independence Day - more than two centuries of life as a nation. Much has changed during that time. But the basic tenet of USA remains still the same - life, liberty and pursuit of happiness! Long life is quite important and that is why the traditional blessings are always for a long life (dIrghAyushmAn bhava). Freedom and happiness certainly increases the life span. Whatever may be the deficiencies of this country and however much one may criticise it for its stance, there is no doubt that freedom is valued very much here. For what we occasionally utter causally here may cost life in some other nations. During the last quarter of a century, this nation has absorbed and recognised the multicultural facets of its citizens more than at any other time. It is no longer a melting pot, but a place where the whole is a sum of individual and recognisable parts. Today there is a considerable population here that traces its roots to the other big democracy - India. Many Indians have settled here to advance in their chosen fields. When I was in IISc (in the sixties), we had to go to Bombay for our computations. Later, when I was working in Madurai, my students and I had to go to IIT, Madras for our computations. Now all these places have good computers. Those days in India were not like the present days. You have to rush to the stores to get sugar, oil and rice rations in the midst of your teaching assignments! All people did not settle here for the comforts and luxuries alone. I always have contradictory jobs. When I am here, I have to defend India and convince people that India does not mean poverty and substandard living. When I am in India I have to convince people there that America is not Hollywood and Americans are as moral (or as amoral) as Indians.

Here is a rangOli with the fifty-star arrangement in the US flag. It is like a chikku kOlam. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

independence day
July 4
July Fourth - stars-4.jpg


Lata's picture

A very belated happy fourth to you too! Smile

I could ramble on forever about the some of the things that you talk about under this topic. In my experience, I use to enjoy more comforts back in India. In this country, people like me and my friends have to do our own "everything". There are no daily comforts available like everyday domestic help, driver, easy round the clock access to transportation, or even the luxury of visiting any doctor at random. I used to do the "convincing job" myself on my conversations/visits back home, but I have stopped it a couple of years ago (didn't seem worth my time). A person does get tired after all. In fact, I don't care that much to convince anyone at all anymore Smile

Nice idea of connecting the stars into a kolam.

jayamohan's picture

Makes interesting reading! Yes, freedom is realised only when it is lost!

chinni52's picture

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