Copy Rangoli
About Copy Rangoli : PRINT
A warm greetings to ikolam members.Here i am uploading a kolam done by me and my friend chitra for a rangoli competition. i copied this design from akilandeswari mam who won the first place in maragazhi dew drops contest 2010. We won 2nd prize.A special thanks to akila mam and ikolam.(akila mam kolam la 25% aathu match aagutha) your views please...

Tue, 2010-06-08 09:56
"Copy Rangoli" - Fun title
The color contrast is awesome. Kolam outline looks very nice and more over deepam's make this kolam more attractive. Thanks for sharing this Mythili
Tue, 2010-06-08 19:23
Congrats Mythili, your copycat Rangoli is fantastic. The color combination is bright and beautiful. In competition they allow friends to help ? Anyhow give the credit to her also. What was ur VIP's comment? some tips to get 1st prize next time.......1)The basic squares and circles u draw before to get symmetrical design shold not be visible once you finish the Rangoli.u could have colored the left out area in and around the circle or rubbed the lines.
2) The mango designs are nice but not the same size, the ezhai and inner fillings also not the same everywhere... should pay attention to that. 3) The blue semi circle with white twirls are nice and attractive, but the number of twirls in each segment is not the same... vast difference 4) the inner 6 fold symmetry is not matching with the outer 4 fold corner flowers... so the placement of lamps looking odd..Mythili , since u said it was a competition entry, I gave these clues to improve these areas so that next time u will get the !st prize. U can impress ikolam members and VIP with ur lovely rangolis but the judges eyes are dfferent.
Tue, 2010-06-08 19:45
hai mythili
Congrats!!!!! kolam nalla irukku.kolam poda poda than izhai nalla varum. colour combination nalla irukku. keep it up.
Tue, 2010-06-08 20:29
very nice....congratulations!!!
rajammaji.. thanks for the tips, useful to all.
Tue, 2010-06-08 23:06
rajamma mam ur words are very useful and helpful to all thanx for the comments.
Wed, 2010-06-09 00:59
Thanks rajamma mam for the really useful comments. I will keep in mind the tips that you shared here. Yeah, sometimes they allow group of people for the competition, maximum 2 persons are allowed per team. Thanks to akilandeswari,anirudh and alameluranganath for the comments.
Wed, 2010-06-09 01:05
In competition, they always have strict timeline. And for this competition, its only 25 minutes. This kolam would have been better when the allotted timeline is more.
Wed, 2010-06-09 06:40
I don't know how much time Mrs akhilanDESvari took for her rangOli. Certainly, to execute the above in 25 minutes, even with four hands, is certainly laudable. Once again, the leaves have come out well. Actually, I will not call this a copy, only as an inspiration. Her pattern is eight-fold and yours six-fold. In fact this pattern has some thing in addition, i.e., the six-fold symmetry is well preserved here. Very good colouring. Any way, beautiful work, amply rewarded! Be happy
Regards! - mOhana
Wed, 2010-06-09 07:39
This inspiration kolam has comeout very well. To make a kolam like this in 25 mins is something appreciable. Very well done. Congrats.
Wed, 2010-06-09 07:40
Wow to do it in 25 minutes is really amazing... I take around 1-1/2 to 2 hrs to color and do simple kolams itself... really a commendable work and well-deserved prize
Wed, 2010-06-09 17:18
very nice design and beautiful.
Wed, 2010-06-09 18:12
Good work. Congrats!
Wed, 2010-06-09 19:18
lovely colour combination mythili...its an awesome job to be done in just 25 mis...congrats...
Thu, 2010-06-10 02:45
very lovely design.. Kolam is so bright n bful.. Mohanaji ur comparison is amazing!! Rajammaji ur guidance and tips are very helpful to everyone..
Thu, 2010-06-10 04:13
Lovely thanks to every one for the comments, wishes and guidance. It will help me to improve the designs while drawing the kolams.
indira sundar
Sat, 2010-06-12 00:20
Congrats!!!. very well done... thanks for sharing ...-Indira Sundar
Sat, 2010-06-12 01:02
Zone of improvement I think should be the mango design as they do not match each other at all. Rest seems quite ok. Congrats on this attempt and I think Rajam has given enough tips for you to follow next time
Tue, 2010-06-22 20:44
Thanks for the supportive comments. Keep going!